Wednesday 3 July 2024




The gospel of Jesus Christ through the cross has been laced with many glamours that has taken away the focus from what it truly represents to the other things THAT are merely additions. 

“Fisi” is a Yoruba phrase that literally means “add extra”. It is what a customer demands from a seller for a purchase made that should serve as an incentive for choosing to buy there. In some instance, it is the seller that throws it in the deal to reward loyalty or attract the customer back. Most of the time, “Fisi” achieves more of a psychological satisfaction to the customer than any real impact on the real need but definitely the seller is making a profit either immediately or on the long run.

Many preachers have garnished the gospel with enticing promises that majorly satisfy needs and wants of the physical demands, challenges and lusts. Thus, setting the eyes and hearts of people on the physical which can only be counted as secondary while subtly de-emphasizing on the spiritual accomplishments that the gospel has delivered. 

This is not to imply that God is not interested in your physical gains and improvement after believing in the gospel of Christ but that Jesus accounts for them as “Fisi”. Jesus said “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”(Matthew 6:33). This was His position about the basic needs of life - food, shelter and clothing. He simply said they will be added as you focus on the primary thing which is found in Christ's death and resurrection.

Many messages have been preached, songs sung, movies produced that have presented the message of the cross as a means to end all physical challenges and needs. While this may not be absolutely out of place but it sets a misconception in the heart of the hearer. There must be a careful consideration and assessment to ensure that the primary message is not diminished while exalting what is secondary. The objective ought to be to seek the giver of the gifts and not the gift.

Jesus was clear about the primary gain of believing into Him and that is eternal life. He said “whoever believes... will have eternal life”(John 3:16). This position is undeniably mentioned all over scriptures and affirms what the main promise is, that is the God kind of life - eternal life. It’s not in the car, monies, jobs, aspirations, healing, spouse, child, etc that is brandished by many ministers. It is primarily about receiving eternal life and other things are added accordingly.

Focus on the main gift, not on the “Fisi”. Seek the giver, not the gifts.

God be praised forever!