Tuesday 6 August 2024

Not Condemned!!?! How?!?!!

.. I do not condemn you.. 

John 8 tells the story of a woman who was brought by the Pharisees to Jesus because she was caught in adultery.

Firstly, we all know it takes two to complete the act of adultery that she was being accused of and I can’t but wonder where the other person was. Why wasn’t he brought down as well? Maybe he was too fast for them and jumped through the window before they could catch him, or he bribed them as they brought him. I’m also suspecting the woman is probably the wife of one of the accusers who wanted to ensure his disgraceful wife was stoned according to the law while using the situation as a bait to get Jesus.

Jesus’ answer to their question was simple “the one without a sin should throw the first stone”. His answer did not try to encourage the woman’s sin but exposed the many questions that are hidden leading to this judgement and ensure it was a fair one. 

It became obvious that they had no legal or moral right to judge the woman because they also had sin hanging round their necks. They all walked away one after the other throwing away their self acquired judge’s gown and gavel in shame and disgust.

Jesus looked at the woman who was caught in sin to assure the woman that judgment is not in the hands of men but with God and that He did not come for judgement at this time but to save. He assured her that though He has the right to condemn her but He wouldn’t.

You would have found yourself on either side of the divide where you have judged someone or have been judged by others, but as the one with the absolute right to judge did not judge her, He is not judging you at this time nor expecting you to be the judge of people He has paid for with His blood. 

The time of judgment will come when Jesus returns a second time and it will be too late for anyone who has refused to accept His love and enjoy this graceful dispensation that is full of forgiveness without condemnation. 

Lastly, Jesus did not leave her in her sin but charged her to go and not sin anymore. It should not be grossly misunderstood that grace is a leeway to continue or encourage sin, but an opening to start living above it. An acknowledgment of how awful your past is and not being condemned as it is due should generate a reverence of God that leads away from sin to righteousness. You don’t encounter Jesus and remain the same, because it brings about an irreversible transformation that causes a nauseation for sin and an appetite for godly living.

Fall into the arms of the Lord and judge of all who at this time has chosen to withhold judgment and condemnation but offers forgiveness and strength to live triumphantly above sin. Like He looked into that woman’s eyes, He’s saying the same words to you as you acknowledge and stand at His mercy saying I do not condemn you.. go and sin no more.

Believe and be saved.