Saturday 24 February 2018

Let's Stop Rape campaign. Day 11

Hello friends, it's Day 11 already of the "Let's Stop Rape" campaign. If you're just joining, it's not too late. Today's topic is very important. Grab a seat and read then like, comment, share and tweet. Let's Stop Rape.

Day 11
In the event that one is a victim or you have a victim around you, there are a few things that can help. While it is going to be a devastating time or period, one thing that must be consciously done is to try to be in control of yourself and the situation. You have to be strong beyond the emotional trauma and take immediate steps to be in control in order to do these things and get your life back. It’s not as easy as it sounds but you have to fight for yourself. Let’s see some of the actions below that answers the question...

What if I become a victim?

-  Talk to someone you can trust: this is a very important step to start with. talk to someone no matter what threats have been given by the rapist. Most threats are false and will only be stopped when you report. The person you pick or decide to talk to should be someone who is mature and that you can trust. Someone you know will stand by and with you through the new phase of life you have just been thrown into. Maturity is not by post or position so it does not necessarily have to be a clergyman as some may castigate rather than lift up. Sometimes it’s that mature aunty withiin your reach who is sincerely interested in you. Do not be afraid to speak. While you may be ashamed and uncomfortable to speak to a member of the opposite sex, if that is the better option to talk to then do not hesitate to do so.

- Report at the police station/ human right agency: for the sake of prosecution the incident must be reported at the nearest police station. Approaching a human rights organisation is also important because they will take it up and take you through every step to prosecute the perpetrator(s). The judiciary may have been slack on these matters in years past but have become more committed  to it because of the human right activities.j Do not be afraid to report at the police station and get in touch with agencies that can help. The rapist must be nabbed and prosecuted. Do not be bullied to step down from fighting for justice to take it’s course.

- Have a check up at the hospital: there must be an immediate visit to the hospital to affirm the claim of rape and for proper treatment and cleaning against unwanted pregnancy. The affirmation is to get a report from the hospital before any clean up is done personally so that you get a report confirming rape. Such report serves as evidence in court to prosecute the rapist. This is very important and should not be considered unimportant.
The other side of it is to check for any injuries and treat same. In the event that there is/are tears, the hospital will offer appropriate treatment. There will also be proper care to avoid any unwanted pregnancy from the rape. Please do not shy away from visiting the hospital. It is very important and should be done fast. You may not be able to tell the extent of damage personally.

-See a professional counsellor: It helps alot to have some sessions with a counsellor (a trained one). Such sessions will help you understand where you are and get you back on track. It is not all pastors that have the required skill to counsel on this kind of matter. A trained counsellor will separate the emotions from the right decisions to be taken and will gradually restore back to stability with little or no sense of loss.
A trained Christian counsellor will be my recommendation because s/he should help you walk with God through the journey.

We shall continue from here tomorrow.  Please join in this campaign “Let's Stop Rape. Please share, comment, like and tweet.

Thank you.

#stopRAPE #LetsStopRAPE #notoRAPE

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