Tuesday 8 September 2015

A Child: privilege and stewardship

Hi friends,
I thought it good to share this about the children that we are surrounded by.  Sometimes they are planned and other times they are not. Sometimes they are ours and other times they are not ours. However they come, the point is that you probably need to realise that there is a child orchestrated to  be around you and you need to realise that there is a demand on you.
Anyone with a child (biological or by circumstance) around them needs to assume a position of privilege and stewardship.
It's a privilege to have a child to love and cherish. It's a privilege to have such opportunity to be part of a child growing to evolve into a fine responsible godly adult. Great privilege. Not all healthy, wealthy, sane people have such. Every Child around you is an inheritance and a reward from God.
It's a responsibility for stwardship to manage such beautiful inheritance of children around you. You must manage & protect with intention and purpose to make better. God isn't expecting that you will Bury these talents but that they are multiplied (qualitatively).
Being a steward of God's gift of a child should be done with intention,  understanding and submission to the master as it is certain that every steward will surely give an account to the Lord how you managed that child He brought your way (either as your birth child, niece or nephew, house help, your student, neighbourhood children etc). Will the Lord's comment be "well done good and faithful servant" or "depart from me you wicked and lazy servant"?
Commit to this noble course for a life time to gracefully embrace children around you and faithfully improve them.
The best quality to add to a child is a training in the way of the Lord.. get involved.
A good coach will never train from a distance..you have to actively and passively teach them..you must be part of it.
A good coach is intentional and deliberate.. you must know and plan to teach them and not leave lessons to chance.
A good coach knows he must get results.. you persevere patiently till they get it right.

You will give an account.