Monday 24 December 2012

Thoughts on this Marraige thing.

Adeoye Foluke Pholucare

Age is nt d criteria, knowledge is. If i spent 7yrs gaining a law certificate & der's stil so much i'm yet to knw, hw much mur a lifetime 'ON THE JOB TRAINING' afta a one day certificate ceremony. Encouraging examples r getting rare in d 21st century. Watching pple treat a sacred joinder lik a contract or an endurance trek. It takes mur dan two to tangle, A threefold cord is not quickly broken (Eccl 4:12). Dream of d glamour of dt wedding day, bt most importantly, gain knowledge abot ds spiritual union. It's simple & it is deep. So help us God.

 This was posted by my sister on facebook. I hope you enjoyed reading and have remarkable comments. Please drop your comments on this.
 Thank you

Monday 17 December 2012

A glance at GRACE...

John 1: 18 is a popular scripture we may know - "and the law came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ".
 Something of note that the law did ( and still does) to everyone who follows it is that it points out every wrong and presents the limitations and incapability of same. It tells the observer "you have missed it again and that makes you a worthless sinner and a debtor". Every attempt to pay back is aborted and increases the indebtedness because the law is a regular reminder of sin.  
Grace on the other hand capitalises on the law's strength (which leaves its observers weak) to help whoever embraces it. Grace says "I'm aware you can't do it by yourself but I have it already done for you in Jesus Christ". Where the law condemns, Grace forgives and helps us walk tall. Where the law abandons, Grace embraces us & picks up. Where the law leaves dirty and weak, Grace cleans up and strengthens. Where the law killed, Grace made alive. The antithesis goes on and on. "Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more" Rom 5:20.
People, all that grace came to do for us is to better our lives in every way and it will do us so much good if we do not frustrate or neglect the grace of God upon us. Let's join Paul in saying confidently "I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless"-Gal 2: 21(NLT). The Amplified version is very expressive: "[Therefore, I do not treat God’s gracious gift as something of minor importance and defeat its very purpose]; I do not set aside and invalidate and frustrate and nullify the grace (unmerited favor) of God". Do have a great time as you give full expression to the life of God we have received through grace.

Friday 7 December 2012

Forgiveness Pills

I took a dose today
What a relief
I have No more pain
No more ache
Free, free, I feel free

I recommend this pill
 Full dosage available for every use
All symptoms would defuse
And a doctor you'ld need not

Thank God for this prescription
Though its taken long to realize,
Now I know it's free
Right from the clinic within
The Spirit helps our infirmities

Difficult a task it is to forgive
Draining and hurtful it becomes
Letting go gets harder each passing time

Alas! The Spirit (clinic) within ascertains
You're Forgiven and enabled to Forgive
The Cross of Christ helped our infirmIties

 Seun Sobayo & Ayo Adeoye

 Its understandable when you don't feel like you should forgive that person who has deliberately offended you. For the sake of your peace you need to learn to forgive people. It must be deliberate. It won't happen by chance neither will it be easy. Forgiveness is a divine position to operate from based on the ability the Holy Spirit has achieved in the believer in Christ. " kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." - Ephesians 4:32 instructs that we forgive as we have been forgiven by God through Christ. The scriptures deals with forgiveness as an instruction to the believer because he has been forgiven.

The Holy Spirit enables the believer to forgive even when it doesn't make sense. I learn daily to forgive and not hold on to any hurt. This isn't because it's pleasant but because the one who loved me and forgave me all my sins has enabled and instructs me to Forgive. In submission, obedience and a step of faith in God, I obey and choose to forgive every hurt, hate and deceit. This has always brought peace beyond imaginations. Pardon me if you really don't understand what I'm describing but I need you to know that you can forgive and truly Forgiveness begins with Jesus Christ.