Friday 7 December 2012

Forgiveness Pills

I took a dose today
What a relief
I have No more pain
No more ache
Free, free, I feel free

I recommend this pill
 Full dosage available for every use
All symptoms would defuse
And a doctor you'ld need not

Thank God for this prescription
Though its taken long to realize,
Now I know it's free
Right from the clinic within
The Spirit helps our infirmities

Difficult a task it is to forgive
Draining and hurtful it becomes
Letting go gets harder each passing time

Alas! The Spirit (clinic) within ascertains
You're Forgiven and enabled to Forgive
The Cross of Christ helped our infirmIties

 Seun Sobayo & Ayo Adeoye

 Its understandable when you don't feel like you should forgive that person who has deliberately offended you. For the sake of your peace you need to learn to forgive people. It must be deliberate. It won't happen by chance neither will it be easy. Forgiveness is a divine position to operate from based on the ability the Holy Spirit has achieved in the believer in Christ. " kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." - Ephesians 4:32 instructs that we forgive as we have been forgiven by God through Christ. The scriptures deals with forgiveness as an instruction to the believer because he has been forgiven.

The Holy Spirit enables the believer to forgive even when it doesn't make sense. I learn daily to forgive and not hold on to any hurt. This isn't because it's pleasant but because the one who loved me and forgave me all my sins has enabled and instructs me to Forgive. In submission, obedience and a step of faith in God, I obey and choose to forgive every hurt, hate and deceit. This has always brought peace beyond imaginations. Pardon me if you really don't understand what I'm describing but I need you to know that you can forgive and truly Forgiveness begins with Jesus Christ.

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