Friday 8 July 2011

Isn’t He in your boat?! Relax!!

In order to have a clear perspective of this short piece of write up, you will have to grab a bible (or open up a bible on the internet now) to read a passage or two from it.
Often times we get through various trials, difficulties, challenges and unrest that can be likened to a storm. They toss us to and fro and bring fear into our hearts like the weight of the world is on our shoulders and we just want to give up. Sometimes, as “committed” Christians we say “why is God allowing this to happen” while for those of us who are not “committed” or not Christians, with inadequacies in our ways, we feel “it’s because of my unfaithfulness that these things are happening”.
The first thing you should note is that God is not man to act like one. Despite your unfaithfulness, He remains faithful. He is able to do whatever He has promised and won’t be influenced by your actions (though He rewards faithfulness).
Second thing is that the storms also obey Him. He never promised that there will be no storms. His promise is “peace not as the world gives it”. That is peace in spite of war, despite this; He calms the storm at will.
Let us read Matt14v22-33...
This account always blows my mind and I am sure some things must have got your attention too which I think you should not push aside but take time out to reminisce over at a later time. For now, I want you to focus on how He (Jesus) stepped into the boat without saying a word, the storm ceased. If Jesus is not in your boat, you should invite Him in (accept Him) as He is willing to come and will bring calm to the situations that tosses you to and fro.
A second scripture to read which is like the first Matt8v23-27...
It has a different perspective we should see things from. In this case the storm started while Jesus was in the boat. The disciples must have wondered how strange he was as He slept even with the heavy storm (Peace in spite of war). This means the Christian is not excluded from facing storms in life.
Jesus reaction to the storm is what you should allow influence your approach to storms (challenges) that come your way. He simply lay; sleeping soundly (because He knew he was safe in God) then rebuked the storm by calming it. He is also Lord over the storms, you know!
Do note that with Him in your boat (life and affairs), you can go to sleep as He did and trust Him to calm every storm that comes your way.
His promise is that He will not leave or forsake anyone who believes in Him and He is faithful to His promise. Do invite Him (Jesus) into your boat and have continuous fellowship with Him who is also Lord over every storm as He brings calm to your heart.
Enjoy a peaceful life ahead.

Monday 4 July 2011

A Beautiful Garden??? - tend it!!!

I once kept a garden through which I learnt a good number of lessons. Some of the lessons include patience, giving attention to the work, weeding etc. Putting all these together is an attitude to imbibe in our Christian walk. It is very important to pay attention to yourself (1Tim4v16) i.e. watching yourself closely should be done daily.
Part of what I did on the garden was replanting some plants from a position to another; trying to identify what was growing on the garden that was not planted; weeding of such plants that were not wanted (even if it was a common fruit-I remember pulling out pawpaw seedlings) and; having to accommodate some vegetables from my mom which was not part of the plan. Time has passed and the garden has evolved not exactly the way I planned it to but it’s now more crowded with vegetables and the flowers are so inconsequential and the grass, not so encouraging.
I owe this largely to a few things as:
• Inconsistency- I skipped watering the garden regularly
• lack of commitment- my commitment to the garden dropped owing to some other affairs
• Ignorance- I did not have nor find basic knowledge about growing a garden
• No strict selection- I was not strict with the choice of plant to go in so I lost my design and control
• Non encouragement- I was getting little or no encouragement either from people or from the plants. It all looked like there was no success

You know, these and more are the challenges we face even with our own lives especially with the heart. Remember Pro4v23 admonishes that we should keep (guard) the heart with total diligence (hard work) because the core issues of life flow from there. So you should be watchful of what you allow to grow on it.
You should consciously weed out unwanted information, transplant the right ones at the right time and be careful not to make it a dumping ground for any and every information.
For this to happen you need to find out what is healthy for you (Eph5v15-17), it will help you be better focused and diligent.
You also need to be consistent in keeping your heart because this will train your heart on what to be inclined to. This does not guaranty a life time inclination in that direction and that is why you need to be committed to the course.
Your commitment will define your character and personality over time – it will stand you out!
The most difficult to do at times is keeping a strict selection of what comes in. You do not have total power over this because sometimes it is not planned or it is interestingly irresistible. This owes majorly to the lust of the flesh and the eyes and sometimes influenced by peer pressure, technology, freedom of expression etc. Despite these challenges you can consciously keep in check what you want to store in the core templates of your heart.
The truth is that you are likely not going to be encouraged by people who surround you to keep guarding your heart (maybe in church) and a lot of times you really do not feel the effect of keeping your heart. You have to learn to encourage yourself to do so because of its importance. You will only discover one day after so many days, weeks or years that you have saved yourself from destruction.
Tending the garden of your heart is an important activity you must prioritize on your to-do consciously list because it will define your personality over time and will attract or be attracted to its kind. If you leave it unattended to, trust me “orisirisi”- all sorts of things will emanate from there which will be good, bad and ugly. When you least expect, as a smoke cannot be hidden you become repulsive to people (sometimes important people) around you. If you make it a beautiful garden to behold then you will be beautiful in the eyes of many and attractive to all around you. There will be an admiration for you without knowing or understanding why but it is only because you have diligently tended the garden of your heart. So go ahead and invest into this noble project- tend your garden!