Saturday 9 June 2012

DANA Plane Crash on 3rd June 2012 - Living is a Privilege

I was at a birthday get together when the news first hit my phone, I disregarded it as one of the numerous postings that end up being pictures with baloon planes upside down. After disregarding with a hiss, another message came in with the same information but different content. Then a friend sent a message asking if I was receiving any messages of a plane crash on my BB. That was when I realised it was true and many lives have probably been lost again.
The details of the crash started coming from different angles and my heart switched from everything around. I started losing interest in everything and automatically my mind started taking a roll call to confirm all my friends and family for any that might have travelled but nobody I knew told me s/he was travelling. Soon after, I began another roll call of people I knew who lived in that neighbourhood- I couldn't think of any. My heart was still unsettled and despaired for the many lives that would have been lost in that crash.
The whole event still appeared distant to me but from past experience of serious mishaps you can't be too sure about that. From that night on, I started hearing of varying people who were saved from the crash. By the next morning, it was the story of the different people involved in the crash that hit a densely populated neighbourhood with residents also killed. The famous, rich, poor, sick, bride, mother, infant, foreigner, cherished, faith-full, shepherd, sheep etc all died in the crash. Please do not forget that the same morning there was a bomb blast in another state killing Christians in church and the suicide bomber. A tragic day you would want to say.
My submission to all these after weighing all that has happened is that Life is a privilege. The living(now) should consider him/herself privileged to be alive. This is not to say that the believer can die anyhow or without God's knowledge, neither is it to put fear in our hearts that our life can be cut short anytime. Not at all.
My point clearly is that we should live our lives as poeple who are privileged to have them. And we ought to make the best of every moment. We should be "redeeming the time because the days are evil...finding out what pleases the Lord.." and committing ourselves to it.
It could have been anyone who flies or has ever flown on a plane. The plane could have crashed in any community within or outside its route. so by all implication it could have been you reading this piece (by extension to other parts of the world-disasters/accidents happen anytime unannounced, it is why they are called that).
In summary, live every moment of your life here as one who is privileged by God to have that time; find out what pleases God that should be done and commit to it; make the best use of every moment and put away all strife, bitterness & anger; reach out to as many as you can around you making the most of every opportunity.
Do remember that life is short and only the purposeful maximises what is to be explored. Do not forget - Jesus has overcome the world. Live a privileged purpose full life.

Ephesians 5v15 - 20
15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

I extend my condolence to the family and friend of the departed(in the plane crash and various bomb blasts around the world), weeping with you and Praying for you. I pray that God will comfort you in every way by the Holy Spirit. Only God can comfort you adequately.

Please drop a prayer in the comment box for friends and family. Thank you.

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