Tuesday 20 February 2018

Let's Stop Rape campaign. Day 7

Hello friends, it's day 7 of the "Let's Stop Rape campaign". Today, we look at how to to protect ourselves and loved ones. So relax, read, comment, share, like and tweet.

Day 7
The effect that rape leaves on people, families and even communities make it important to consider carefully how we can protect ourselves and loved ones. As it has been said that anyone can be a victim then we will deal with this for 3 days...

How do I protect myself, friends & family?

There are a few measures we can adopt to keep us protected from a rapist. Depending on the desperacy of the rapist you will need to keep all of them in mind and be very cautious and smart. The following are the measures to consider:

- No solitary trust: Solitary trust is when you have absolute trust in someone of not being able to commit a crime. While there are people you hold in that area in your life(I do) at least leave 1% chance for failure. For whatever reason there might be a shift in focus at that period to other things that gives chance for a fall. This will help you put other things in perspective and consideration like not creating all alone moments to be considered as temptation. It will let you pay attention to any case reported to you and not just discarding it without thinking through.
You cannot give any one a special trust. Everyone is a liable suspect. Take any case reported serious and intelligently investigate it.

- No dark areas: As much as possible you should avoid staying or walking in dark areas and routes alone. Evil they say thrives in the dark. The dark is an easy and enabling environment for rape to happen. You will likely not get help during this period because people are also afraid of the dark. It brings fear to the heart of people.
Try other busy routes, it's safer even if longer. If you must go the dark routes, go in a group and with bright light. As much as possible initiate in homes and communities that dark routes, rooms, corners be lit up. It will save possible victims from alot of danger.

- Open privacy: Open privacy is when you are in a private meeting with someone but in an open or common place. You should have your private meetings with the opposite sex in places that anybody can have acces to without seeking permission like an eatery or mall that gives you the chance for privacy among a crowd of people.
If you must have a meeting with some one alone, let it be a public place that can give you private time eg eateries, class rooms, shopping malls etc and if within your house let it be the general room(sitting area) possibly with doors left unlocked. This is especially for those in a relationship(adopt this to help yourselves).

- Create the awareness: You need to take up the responsibility to create an awareness about rape. Information takes away fear and ignorance. Some kids and adults have been molested because of ignorance. Lack of information creates an opportunity for vulnerability. You start by knowing about it and how to fight it. Then you talk to people you love about the issue of rape. No one is to young to learn. Teach your children not to let anyone touch their private parts. Teach them within the scope of what they can understand.

We will continue to look at more measures that we can put in place tomorrow. Please share, like, comment and tweet. Someone needs to know all these through you. Also feel free to share your questions or  personal experiences of how any of the above have worked for you.

Thank you.

#stopRAPE #LetsStopRAPE #NoToRAPE

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